
CSI «City Information and Library System»
of the Department of Culture, Development of Languages,
Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Kokshetau

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Only knowledge is live the person,
Only knowledge moves the age!
Don't say, «I can't»
Strive for knowledge of the soul
Abay Kunanbayev


«Azapqa túsken aq joldyq azamattar»

Time inexorably goes forward. Generations come and go. Some historical events are replaced by others, but among them there are those that must always be remembered, no matter how far they stand from our days.

May 31, 2019 On the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions, employees of the Kokshetau Electronic Library in the assembly hall of the Line Police Department at Kokshetau Station held an historic time at«Azapqa túsken aq joldyq azamattar». The event was held in order to get acquainted with the tragic and sorrowful events in the life of the Kazakh people.

In 1997, taking into account the appeals of citizens and public associations of the country and in order to perpetuate the memory of victims of political repression, the President officially decreed on May 31 the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression.For our country, as for most of the countries of the former Soviet Union, the years of repression will long remain in the memory of the people of thousands of innocent convicted people. Only in 1937-1938 more than 100 thousand people were illegally convicted in Kazakhstan, about 25 thousand of them were shot. Shootings and arrests broke the lives of millions. For Kazakhstan, this date has a special meaning. So there was a history that our Republic became a deportation place for millions of Soviet citizens. Eternal memory to all those who stood in those years on the path of totalitarianism, cruelty and injustice! . We need the memory of the past not only to do our duty to the victims of the regime, but also to avoid repeating mistakes. During the event, was shown the video «Tarıhtan taǵylym-ótkenge taǵzym ».


Дата создания статьи: 31.05.2019

Number of views: 48180

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