
CSI «City Information and Library System»
of the Department of Culture, Development of Languages,
Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Kokshetau

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Only knowledge is live the person,
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Don't say, «I can't»
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Abay Kunanbayev


Movie evening «Qazaq handyǵy:Altyn taq»

On September 16,in 2019, movie evening was held in the electronic city library.In movie evening, the participants chose the film «Qazaq handyǵy:Altyn taq», as well as in the social network Instagram.Purpose: to instill in each Kazakh a deep knowledge of its history,to cultivate patriotism in the heart. Film directed by Rustem Abdrashev " Almas qylysh. Continuation of the film «Qazaq handyǵy». The opposition of the young Kazakh khanate to external enemies, the return of the ancient capital of AK Orda — Syganak city — and the hereditary Golden throne by khans Kerey. In the film, along with tense events, large-scale front scenes and serious trials, bitter defeat and joyful moment of victory.The first and second year students of Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau state University and Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University took part in the screening of the film.At the end of the event, readers were asked to choose and vote for the following film in the questionnaires."In what genre do you most often see movies?", "Which movies do you like best?"readers filled leaflets with questions and suggestions.The event continued with a tour of the library, a shared photo for memory.


Дата создания статьи: 16.09.2019

Number of views: 43127

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