
CSI «City Information and Library System»
of the Department of Culture, Development of Languages,
Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Kokshetau

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information and library

Only knowledge is live the person,
Only knowledge moves the age!
Don't say, «I can't»
Strive for knowledge of the soul
Abay Kunanbayev


Literary center of Abay

On January 24 at 11: 00 on the initiative of the City information library system in the framework of the program "Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani zhangyru" in the Kazakh model city library, the opening of the Abay literary center "Uly akynnyn ulagaty" was held, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and educator, master of words.

The extensive book exhibition consists of three sections. Abayeved, a teacher of KSU, told the audience about the first section called "Abaydyn duniyetanymy", which contains literature about Abay’s childhood, his life, and the great words of great scientists dedicated to Abay. Sh. Ualikhanov Amanzhol Ydyrysuly.

The second section of the exhibition "cooperation between the United Nations Gregm TBA Boyle’s" occupy Abay’s works, including his words of edification.

The third section is called "Abay murasy mangilik". It contains works about Abay by many famous Abay scholars, essays, articles, research, and arguments.

The opening ceremony of the center was attended by abayeved Amanzhol Ydyrysuly, Professor, Ph. D. Sabit Zhambek, public figure Aydos Abutalipov, head of the Department of culture and language development of Kokshetau city Aigul Sabitova, as well as a teacher of the Higher Kazakh pedagogical College. Musina Aliya Zamanbekova, cultural workers and readers of the library.

Дата создания статьи: 24.01.2020

Number of views: 33247

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