
CSI «City Information and Library System»
of the Department of Culture, Development of Languages,
Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Kokshetau

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Only knowledge is live the person,
Only knowledge moves the age!
Don't say, «I can't»
Strive for knowledge of the soul
Abay Kunanbayev


"The fight against corruption is a common task for all»

On March 13, an open dialogue platform "fighting corruption-a common task for all" was held in the electronic library in order to form an anti-corruption culture. Formation of the anti-corruption worldview of the participants of the dialogue platform, explaining to them the anti-corruption legislation, the concept of corruption and establishing the rule of law and anti-corruption behavior between the participants, training them in the skills of countering corruption phenomena. Involvement of the society in anti-corruption cases, broad explanation of the negative consequences of corruption.The event was attended by students of the Higher College of culture.Akana Seri, students of the Higher technical College and students of the University named after sh .Ualikhanov.During the conversation, a video about corruption was shown. Participants shared their thoughts on corruption and the fight against it. Residents of the city agreed to conduct anti-corruption work among the types.

Дата создания статьи: 13.03.2020

Number of views: 25425

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