
CSI «City Information and Library System»
of the Department of Culture, Development of Languages,
Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Kokshetau

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Only knowledge is live the person,
Only knowledge moves the age!
Don't say, «I can't»
Strive for knowledge of the soul
Abay Kunanbayev


The creative workshop «Young Artists of Our Region»

The small multipurpose Hall of Cultural center "Dostar" brought together young artists of our region. The talented children of Kokshetau met here, they presented the works performed in different technicians of the fine arts at an exhibition is graphics, painting by oil, a watercolor, an embroidery, arts and crafts. The creative workshop "Young Artists of Our Region" collected not only the children and teenagers able to see the beauty and to create, but also their mentors from the Regional center for work with creatively exceptional children, the Center of out-of-school work "Aulet" of Kokshetau, kindergarten No. 18 "Miras", Children’s art school of Kokshetau which shared the knowledge and abilities, showed workshops for all comers. With great interest guests of a creative workshop saw master klass on an embroidery, carried out by the head of a fine art studio "Gold thread" Tagankina Elena Nikolaevna.

Дата создания статьи: 21.11.2017

Number of views: 54646

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