
CSI «City Information and Library System»
of the Department of Culture, Development of Languages,
Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Kokshetau

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Only knowledge is live the person,
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Don't say, «I can't»
Strive for knowledge of the soul
Abay Kunanbayev


the historic voyage “Abylai khan zhenyonzamany”

On February 20, in the Krasnoyarsk City Library, the historic voyage “Abylai khan zhenyon zamany” was held in the framework of the “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” jointly by the Akmola Regional Local History Museum. Objective: To deepen knowledge of Abylai Khan, foster a patriotic attitude based on respect and reverence. To bring up patriotism, culture of behavior, curiosity. A book exhibition was framed. “Kөkshede ale bilegen er Abylay” consisting of 3 sections 1- “Abylay — han. Human Age ”2 -“ Abylai and His Time ”, 3 -“ Images of Abylai Khan in historical and literary productions. Baitenova A.B. She conducted a review where she presented historical monographs, bibliographic reference books, artistic works and articles from periodicals about the great khan. Researcher of the regional museum of local lore Araily Tleubaykyzy Abizar and Akku Askarovna Syzdykova presented her slide-lecture “Kieli Kөkshetau — Abylay Khan Ordasy”. During the events, a video clip “Abylay Khan” was presented. The event was attended by readers of the library, students of agrotechnical and college of culture named after Akan seri.

Дата создания статьи: 20.02.2019

Number of views: 51606

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